The Most Persistent Parasite…

…is scientifically probably the tapeworm.  Economically, it’s more likely a poverty-stricken relation.  From a social perspective, it can be an ex with rejection issues, and from a gastronomical perspective it can be those Mexican beans you had the misfortune to eat three weeks ago. If you’re a reform-minded politician, the most persistent parasite is probably … More The Most Persistent Parasite…

The Death of Chivalry

So at work today, a group of us were all sitting around talking about zombie apocalypses and such (which everyone at my work seems well-prepared for, by the way), when one of the guys, who has an attachment to reality for some reason, asked the sensible question: “How did we get talking about zombies?” I … More The Death of Chivalry

Robin Hood the Humanist

Classical, that is.  Not like liberal ‘men are gods’ humanist.  Actually he comes across as more of an opportunist, because most of the time he’s not philosophical enough to be the other.  Which is good, because I doubt any yeoman took philosophy seriously back then, but one wonders why he suddenly becomes so thoughtful toward … More Robin Hood the Humanist